Organizations such as the National Organization for Marriage were at the core of Prop 8 getting passed in California last year. The same organizations were also at work in Maine this year spreading unreasoned fear and bigotry, and they were successful again.
This is our second high-profile defeat in a year. What can we do? Bitch about in our blogs? Twitter our disapproval? Sigh a little deeper for the next week and then get on with our oppressed lives?
Maybe a good question is what separates our side from their side? What are they doing that we're not? It's not a matter of passion. Both sides are pretty equal when it comes to that.
The cruel fact about this fight is the other side has almost inexhaustible resources and seems poised to give everything they have to ensure victory. Tell me, how many members of the church would gladly mortgage their homes to help fund this fight if the church asked them? Probably many thousands, at least.
It's about MONEY ladies and gent's.
MONEY makes the commercial spots, buys the TV time, pays the professional signature gatherers, and feeds and waters the masses of volunteers going door to door spreading fear and uncertainty. Money pays the consultants and lawyers who help keep these organizations behind cloaks of secrecy.
What can we do?
Meet Reed Cowan. He's the director of the upcoming documentary 8: The Mormon Proposition. He has mortgaged his home in his efforts to get this important movie ready for release next year.
One of the subjects 8TMP tackles is this issue over organizations (such as NOM) formed to work against marriage equality. In this documentary, Reed reveals, conclusively, the Mormon church as THE major organizer, funder, and general puppet-master behind many of these organizations.
Why is this important? If the general populous knew it was largely the Mormon church behind the TV spots and door-to-door campaigns then it's likely they'd think twice about the propaganda these organizations are shilling.
Film making is expensive. The documentary is basically done but there are many things such as digital mastering, sound editing, animations, advertising, etc. that will help make it world-class.
His goal is to raise $50,000 by December 1st; a paltry sum in terms of movie budgets.
If you're angry and frustrated like I am and want to do something meaningful in this fight, visit Reed's blog and help fight back by donating what you can to help finish this film. Click the "ChipIn" button at the left of the screen of his blog. You can also access the donating widget directly here.
You can also visit the movie's website to learn more about the film.
The weird thing about Maine is that the pro-equality side actually had $1.5 million more in funding. I'm not sure what happened in that state, I can't figure it out.
Point taken.
Fear is a great motivator. The "gay marriage will be taught in public schools" lie worked well for them.
Money matters, but doesn't always decide the race. People decide. I can imagine it would be easier for an undecided voter to vote to prevent gay marriage, especially if they have lingering doubts about what it would do to their kids, and when there's nothing to gain directly from allowing it.
I haven't looked into the money, but it seemed like those against 8 had more money, not the other way around. Doe anyone have the numbers?
Fear is definately a motivator, and although the fear may be misplaced doesn't make it any less real. The people (Mormons) for 8 really believe that their way of life is under attack and really believe that someday, the combination of government and lawsuits will deprive them of their liberty to worship as they please.
Developing an understanding of both sides of the issue is what is needed. Both sides need to be able to sympathise with the other. Both sides also need to make sure that the democratic process is followed and treat each other with respect for their beliefs. I know the democratic process isn't perfect, but in the end, the courts will make a decision and all parties should lawfully abide.
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